Oct 24, 2016 | BKirchner | 1267 views
Ace Bailey Tournament Champions.
Congratulation Boys for leaving the Ace Bailey Tournament in Stoney Creek as Champions. The Banner will hang proud in our home arena and you now have a championship ring to wear and a memory to share.
I'm so proud of the boys for always believing and never giving up. We faced adversity at the start of the tournament with an overtime 2-1 loss to the Hamilton Huskies and a 4-2 loss to the host team Stoney Creek Warriors.
Like Champions do, they played on as a team with more discipline and went on to beat New Hamburg 5-1 and Stoney Creek Warriors in the semi final 5-3.
We had another chance to play the undefeated Hamilton Huskies in the Championship game. Both teams were evenly matched and it was a back and forth battle all game long. Like the first game of the tournament against them, we had to settle this one in overtime. It was only seconds into the overtime period in a 3 on 3 format that W. Pace scored for us to make it a 3-2 win, and we were Champions. The arena was electric and full of emotion. It was amazing to see the players, parents and coaches react at that moment. This was a team game all weekend with contributions from everyone and fantastic goal tending.
Thank you to all the Families and Friends for cheering us on all weekend. Especially our young cheerleader squad.
I would also like to Congratulate the Major Pewee MD team for also winning the Championship in this tournament and to the Minor Peewee MD team for wining your tournament this weekend in Pittsburgh. What a weekend for West London Hawks.