Sep 01, 2019 | sjoiner | 493 views
Minor Peewee MD Evaluations
We are only a couple of days away from our first tryout session - Tuesday September 3 @ 6:30pm - Bostwick B. Please keep the following in mind while progressing through the evaluation process:
1. These can be stressful times - please come out and have fun and try your best. That's all I ask. If you are unsure of a drill - please ask questions. If you make a mistake - learn from it. Encourage and celebrate the others trying to make the team (ie. good plays, hard work, nice goals, great saves!) While not everyone will make the team - I want all of the players to be successful.
2. Please bring your own water bottle. We will be doing a lot of skating evaluations!
3. Jersey Numbers will be posted on the dressing room door. Please hang up the jerseys after each session - they do not go home!
4. Parents are only allowed in the dressing room to tie skates - players are to come out and get you when they are ready. We don't want to overcrowd the rooms.
5. Please be ready to go on the ice 10 minutes before the start of the session. Goalies please wear your own jersey and use the same one for each session.
6. First set of releases will be posted after the exhibition games on Saturday September 7. All updates will be posted on the website.
7. Players may be asked to try different positions throughout the evaluation process. This is to ensure the best fit for the team.
Good luck to all players as we start this exciting season!
Coach Sean