Sep 05, 2017 | sjoiner | 1068 views
Minor Atom Evaluations
I hope the 1st day of school was successful for everyone! Evaluations are quickly approaching and I would like to provide some info regarding the process.
Evaluations begin Thursday Sept 7 @ 5:30pm on Nichols B. There are 5 ice-times in total - please watch the website for any updates to the schedule. Player releases will begin after the 3rd session, and the team will be chosen following our last session on September 15th.
There will be a variety of skating, puck handling drills and competition drills. There will also be a few scrimmages. Major areas of focus will be Effort/Compete Level, Hockey Sense/Attentiveness, and Skating Ability. I want to make sure that the kids are working hard and having fun!
Jerseys will be assigned for the duration of the evaluations. They will be posted on the appropriate dressing room door. Jerseys will be collected after each session, and need to be put back up on a hanger at the end of the ice time.
Please ensure your player has a water bottle for each session and that you have completed the mandatory Respect in Sport Module prior to attending evaluations.
I look forward to this exciting time - a lot will be happening of the course of the next couple of weeks. Make sure you enjoy it and have fun throughout the process.
If there are any questions/concerns, please send me an email or talk to me at the rink and I will look after it.
See you all at the rink!