Ready to Roll!, News, Major Novice MD-2, 2016-2017, MD (West London Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
News Article
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Oct 03, 2016 | TReichelt | 550 views
Ready to Roll!
Team Motto - “Make my TEAMmates better!”   What you do on and off the ice to help your teammates will make yourself and your TEAM better. 

The kids are working extremely hard at practice and gelling on and off the ice.  All of us are very proud of you and wish you an awesome season full of great memories, great achievements, and fun.

Congrats to this months Coaches Asst. Captains: Colt, Nate, and Blake.  Keep up the hard work and continue to set good examples for your teammates.

Go Hawks!

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