Sep 17, 2015 | SNoonan | 1943 views
2015 / 2016 West London Major Atom MD Final Roster
I want to thank the players, families and volunteers who took part in this year's Major Atom MD tryout process. Tryouts can be a stressful time, but everyone involved on and off the ice turned this team's tryouts into a very positive experience...which was highlighted last night by the cheering outside the glass and the incredibly fun and exciting game on the ice.
Please join me in congratulating the following players who have been selected for the 2015 / 2016 West London Hawks Major Atom MD team:
Brandon B
Jack B
Jack C
Tyler C
Sean C
Mitchell C
Trent F
Eddie J
Jacob K
Adam M
Shawn M
Liam N
Grady O
Rylen P
Jonathan T
Luca T
Andrew Van D
For the players not selected to this team, as I said in the dressing room last have all contributed to any success this team will have this season, and you all have an amazing opportunity to become leaders on the teams that you play on this year. Best of luck boys!
Looking forward to a great season!
Go Hawks Go!
Coach Spencer