Jun 30, 2015 | SNoonan | 1217 views
2015 / 2016 Major Atom MD Team Update
My name is Spencer Noonan. I am thrilled and honoured to be the Head Coach of this year's Major Atom MD team!
Registration for the 2015 / 2016 season is now open. Tentative tryout dates for the Major Atom MD team are:
- Wed, Sept 9th, 7:00pm @ Nichols
- Sat, Sept 12th, 12:00pm @ Nichols
- Sun, Sept 13th, 3:30pm @ Nichols
- Tues, Sept 15th, 7:00pm @ Medway (Exhibition game vs Oakridge)
- Wed, Sept 16th, 7:30pm @ Nichols (Exhibition game vs Oakridge)
Our team will take part in the following 4 tournaments this upcoming season:
- Ace Bailey Tournament, Oct 15th to 18th in Stoney Creek
- MD Challenge Cup, Nov 27th to 29th in Burlington
- Empire State Cup, Jan 16th to 18th in Rochester NY.
- West London Optimist Tournament, Jan 29th to 31st
The Alliance Championship weekend will take place in early April.
Please subscribe to the calendar updates, and stay tuned for confirmation of the tryout dates and other team information.
Go Hawks!!!