RZONE POLICY - City of London
As all of you may be aware the City of London has been working on a policy that promotes the safety and security of attendees and staff at City of London recreation facilities.The City of London wishes to foster an environment in which there is respect for others and in which individuals and organizations take responsibility for their actions. The City of London has chosen the Rzone policy that was first created by the Town of Oakville and has since been adopted by 6 other Ontario municipalities.
After consultation with our minor associations a report was prepared and the Rzone policy was presented to London City Council where they approved the implementation of Rzone for the City of London. Over the next several weeks and months you will see the Rzone logo being placed at the entrances to our arenas, on parks by-law signs as well as signage within recreation facilities notifying you that you are entering an Rzone facility.
We will be producing pamphlets that will be available at all recreation centres. We have also created a web page on the City of London web site dedicated to Rzone. It will contain the policy, incident form as well as contact information to report an Rzone violation.
The web site link is
Attached you will find the Rzone policy as well as a Frequently Asked Question page.
City of London Rzone Policy
Rzone FAQ