West London held its annual AGM this past Tuesday, May 14,
2024. A new board of directors was elected, incorporating both new and returning
members. Below is a list of volunteers who have graciously donated their time
for the upcoming 24/25 hockey season.
Tait Williamson - President
Michael Rivard - VP Competitive
Jason Higgins - VP HL/Select Convenor
Brad Hyslop - JR HL Director (U13-)
Myfanwy Smith - SR HL Director (U14+)
Rebecca Werden - DJ Tournament Director
Jeffrey Collins - Hockey Development Director
Matteo Chirico - IP Director 1
Ryan Gicante - IP Director 2
Lionel Lavoie - Equipment Director
John MacDougall - Risk/Communication Director
Karen Gingrich - Maltreatment Director
Michael Anderson - U8 MD Tournament Director
Paul Gibson - Volunteer/Sponsorship Director
Thank you to the outgoing members for all your time and effort
over the past couple seasons and for helping to make West London the best hockey association in the GLHA: Chris Golem (President), Kendra Ramer (IP
Director), and Brady Parr (Communication Director).