Oct 03, 2021 | mingram | 519 views
Moving forward to last tryout
Hello all,
This is the unfortunate part that the coaching staff goes through in leading the team and having to make the hard decisions. All the kids put in a great effort and it was very positive to see all their work. I want to thank everyone for coming out to the tryouts. If your name is not on the list I want to wish you luck in this upcoming season. I have passed on all the names of those not on the team to the house league conveyor.
Those on the list please be prepared to come out to tonight's final tryout.
Cameron Bishop
Charlie Wilbee
Cohen Fortney
Colin Archer
Constantino Caskanette
Dryden Langdon
Hudson Shipley
Jacob Beker
Jacob Franze
Loewen Hare
Logan Lindsay
Miller Wilson
Samuel Orendorff
Spencer Lee
Nicolas Ingram
Xavier Roca