Aug 13, 2015 | dsolway | 2087 views
everyone. The tryouts are fast approaching.
My name is Darcy Solway, I am very excited an honoured to be the Coach this
upcoming season. As coach of the 2015/2016 West London
Hawks Peewee “MD” Hockey Team, it is important that
I share with you some key information
about the hockey program I will be leading this upcoming season.
Try-out Process:
Non-parent on ice help has been selected to assist me during tryouts to provide input and ensure a fair process.
Players that advance through the tryout process will have their names posted on the team website with further instructions regarding ice times. Players may be released to the House League process after two evaluations. The final roster for the MD team will be posted after the final tryout date of September 16.
Note: Please refer to the team calendar for accurate tryout date/time/location details.
If a player is released from the Peewee MD tryouts they are then returned to the House league process. House League evaluations will be early fall.
What your player can expect in this program:
· Fun.
· Opportunity for your player to build confidence and feel a sense of accomplishment after making a commitment to themselves and their team mates.
· A chance to be a leader and build character through some travelling outside of London to play hockey and represent with pride, their West London Hawks organization.
· The fulfillment of contributing to a role in a structured team setting with support, camaraderie and lasting friendships.
· Opportunity for your young player to experience the thrill of victory and accomplishment as well as the life skill of dealing with adversity through tough team losses, individual accountability to the team and discipline.
· Players will learn and benefit from repeatedly playing in competitive, high pressure situations that will prepare them for their lives away from hockey such as school projects, writing exams and later applying for employment.
· Your player will receive instruction and education on the fundamentals of hockey and the systems that we will apply those fundamentals to.
· Mid-year verbal evaluations may be provided to each player individually so they understand clearly their strengths and primary area of focus to improve and help their team. This will be done in a positive but constructive manner.
· Ice time will be distributed by the coaching staff in a fair but NOT equal manner after continuous evaluation of a player’s ability, commitment and contribution to the team.
Brief overview of financial and time commitment:
The 2015/2016 Peewee MD team will carry 17 players. The costs associated to the team budget will be divided among the players and their families equally.
Team budget costs are additional to registration fees. Costs cover items such as extra ice time, referees, team apparel, tournament fees, expert skills training and some other miscellaneous expenses. An accurate, detailed budget will be available after the team is selected. Payments due at first team meeting in September:
$375 – WLMHA Upcharge (Not eligible for payback from fundraising efforts)
$275 – Team Seed Funding (Eligible for payback subject to fundraising efforts)
Note: If no fundraising is planned by the end of September an additional ~$350 will be requested in October. I am confident this will not be an issue.
Travel costs:
Please note that we travel for league games to cities such as Sarnia, Stratford, as well as other London arenas.
4 – They are posted on the website
2-3 may require hotel commitments but not likely to be further than 2.5 hours from London
Time Commitment:
Average 3 to 4 ice sessions a week.
· Unless I am personally notified about a player’s absence from hockey in advance, the attendance for both games and practices should be 100%. Playing time may be adjusted at my discretion for missed team commitments.
· Players are expected to be ready 10 mins. before practice for in room instruction and in the dressing room 50 mins. before games to get ready, participate in a warm up and receive instruction from the coaches.
· Tournaments often require your player to miss up to a day of school which is usually a Friday.
· Your player must be able to put on their own equipment and tie up skates by the end of September including goalies. Special circumstances may be considered but should be discussed with a coach in advance.
· Fundraising events and team functions are important to the player’s social and character development and they are expected to actively participate (unless the event is not age appropriate).
Parent Roles & Responsibilities to the Team:
· Parents must demonstrate 100% support for all players and volunteers who contribute to the operation of this program (Referees, Timekeepers, Arena Staff, and Coaches)
· Parents and players are expected to use a high level of respect at all hockey functions
· Parents must behave responsibly and not act in a way that negatively reflects on the team and West London Minor Hockey organization (including any form of slander through social media)
· One parent of each registered player will have to complete the Respect In Sport course online at the Hockey Canada website or your son/daughter will not be eligible to tryout.
Should you decide that the West London Hawks Peewee “MD” Team would not be a good fit for your child, due to the level of time commitment, financial commitment, or for any other reason, please let me know before I pick the team. Otherwise, I will assume you understand the information provided.
Please advise your players to give their best effort, relax and have fun. If you have any further questions about the tryouts feel free to contact me.
Darcy Solway
Head Coach
West London Hawks Major Peewee MD