Update Aug 29th: We are attempting to have all HL Coach Applications in by Sep 2nd which is this Friday. Even if you are unsure if your child will make an MD team, please send in your application and let us know that possibility.
If you are interested in Coaching a House League team during the
2016-2017 season, please click on the link below to access the form.
Amongst other things, we are looking for volunteers that work well with
their bench staff as well as with the other West London coaches.
We would like all HL Coach Applications in by Friday September 2, 2016. Thanks.
WLMHA_HL_Coach_ApplicationIf you are interested in being a Trainer or an Assistant Coach, you can use the same Application form. Just refer to these roles at the top of the form.
Please send all House League Coach Applications to Ken Van de Haar at
[email protected].
Head Coach - DS1 Coach certification, up-to-date Police Check (or Declaration form for 2nd & 3rd year), Respect in Sport- Activity Leader (for Bench staff)
Assistant Coach - up-to-date Police Check (or Declaration form for 2nd & 3rd year), Respect in Sport - Activity Leader (for Bench staff)
Trainer - HTCP - Level 1, up-to-date Police Check (or Declaration form for 2nd & 3rd year), Respect in Sport - Activity Leader (for Bench staff)