The West London Minor
Hockey Association prides itself on demonstrating
leadership, teaching strong work ethic and community pride. We want to partner with local businesses who
align with this vision and support our goal of growing exceptional young
West London, we follow the mandate of Hockey Canada and work with other hockey
centers, Alliance Hockey, and the Ontario Hockey Federation to
promote and grow minor hockey in the city of London. At the early
ages, Hockey Canada’s model is designed to get all kids touching the puck
and in the action by having the games played on only half of the ice, known as
the 'initiation program' or IP.
continue providing an excellent on-ice experience for our young hockey players,
West London is looking to acquire a set of 'half-ice' boards. These would
be real hockey boards that get setup along the red line before each game to
allow for safer and more realistic game play.
With a
sponsorship of $2000 we will add your company banner/logo to a 20-foot section
of the boards and display it for the next 3 hockey seasons. Additionally, our partnership would be
exclusive for your industry. This would
give great exposure to your business within the local community at Bostwick
YMCA, and tremendously to the member families of West London Hockey.
If you have any questions or wish to pursue this sponsorship opportunity, please contact the West London Sponsorship Director, Paul Gibson via email: [email protected]
Thank you for your time and consideration. Your support for minor hockey is truly helping to develop the next generation of leaders in our community!