2015/16 House League - Information Update, News (West London Minor Hockey)


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Jun 28, 2015 | KVandeHaar | 1680 views
2015/16 House League - Information Update
House League Update / June 12, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 West London Minor Hockey Association season!  Though the season is months away at this point, planning is already underway.  The initial plans for the upcoming season include planning for ice allocation, when and where teams will practice, equipment & jerseys for teams, special events such as Concussion testing day, plans to reinstate our HouseLeague Tournament as well as many other items. 

Once Registration opens, you will be able to get your children into their appropriate age groups and things will evolve quickly from there.

My name is Ken Van de Haar and I will serve in the role of House League Director for the upcoming season.  In addition, I am excited to anounce that our Board decided that this program is so important and big that we have a 2nd Board member to help make everything run smoothly.  Special thanks to Larry Abbey who has taken on the role of Assistant House League Director.  The two of us have decided to seek out extra hands and heads and in addition to the Convenors that we have always had, we will be starting a House League Committee.  

House League Committee 

This year, we will be implementing a HouseLeague Committee to help with the running of our program as well as be the eyes and ears for all of our HouseLeague families.  The goal for this group is to help make our programs run smoothly by having increased involvement from more of our members.  Also, we want to increase the communication & understanding between our Board of Directors and our Families.  Members of this committee should come from many of the different levels of players whether they be Timbit, Novice, Atom, PeeWee, Bantam or Midget/Juvenile.  If you are interested in helping in a big way or a little way, please click on this link HOUSELEAGUE COMMITTEE.

Our HouseLeague Committee will include representation from our Tyke Division with a third Board Member, Jim English as well as the Tyke Manager - Gary Brown.  If you are interested in helping Jim & Gary in anyway, please click here WEST LONDON TYKE PROGRAM

Convenors Needed!

We are currently looking for House League Convenors for the following divisions: Novice, Atom, Peewee, Bantam and Midget. This is a very important role and a great way to help out West London Minor Hockey! If you are interested in helping out, please click on the link HOUSELEAGUE CONVENORS.

Coaches, Assistant Coaches & Managers Needed!
Just like every year, we will need a good bunch of the most dedicated volunteers any hockey association cannot do without!  We need Coaches in every age group from Midget/Juvenile and all the way down to Tyke.  If you are interested in applying for a Coaching Position, please click here COACHES & OTHER TEAM POSITIONS.

General Information
West London HL teams (Minor Novice to Midget)  play in the CHL League against teams from North London, Oakridge and London Bandits.  HouseLeague teams will typically receive 1 game and 1 practice per week though this may vary from week to week due to the complexities of the scheduling.

House League Evaluations 

House League evaluations will likely begin Saturday September 19th or shortly thereafter.  Please visit the House League calendar to find out the evaluation details for  your age group.

All players are evaluated and then drafted by coaches to balance the teams. Evaluation games will take place to help balance the teams.  Players might be switched at this time.  The rosters for HouseLeague players is not considered finalized until the end of the first week of November which means in the event that our balancing games do not solve any in-balance between teams, we could possibly switch some players up to the end of the 1st week of November.  

For Evaluation process see attached:

House League Evaluation Standardization and Team Draft

All teams play regular season games from Mid October to January. Our regular season does start Thanksgiving weekend but we will do our best to avoid games on the Sunday if it is possible.  Teams are then tiered into 2 divisions by standings and play games until the 3rd week of March with CHL Semi-Final and Final games played March 26-27.  The Alliance HouseLeague Championships will be held in London from April 1-3, 2015 and will take place at Kinsmen and Nichols Arenas. 

If you have any other questions or would like to pitch in any way, please contact Ken Van de Haar - HL Director 

Caravan for Kids
Dodge Caravan for Kids is the maojor sponsor of our Novice House League teams this season.
We took the classic bowling experience, added a refined yet comfortable décor along with video screens, our fantastico wood oven menu and a sound system that would make AC/DC jealous. We’re the ultra-deluxe, full-on, rock and roll bowling alley that happens to have a swanky bar and great food.
Play It Again Sports
Your London Sporting Goods Store Going into our 24th year in London, Play It Again Sports has become the local source for great quality new and used sports gear. Everything from kids’ cleats to high-end fitness machines have become the staples of our inventory. Why go to the big box, impersonal sporting goods store, when you can enjoy the personal attention and expertise for which we have become known? We have the biggest and best supply of used skates in the area.
McDonalds is the major sponsor of our Atom House League teams this season.
Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is the major sponsor of our Initiation Program Tim Bits teams this season.
ARTCAL Graphics
ARTCAL is a proud sponsor of the West London Hawks. We are a prominent, full service graphics house that includes digital printing, trade screen printing, vinyl graphics and installations. We would be able to provide your team with banners, team stickers, helmet stickers, custom graphics and much more! For more information, please contact: William Myers [email protected] 519-453-6010 x 226