Mar 31, 2015 | SNoonan | 20786 views
What A Year For West London Hawkey!!!
Congratulations to all teams for very successful year. And a special congratulations to the following House League and MD teams for the regular season and playoff success:
House League Playoff Champions:
Minor Novice West 11
Minor Novice West 21
Novice West C2
Minor Atom West 33
Atom West B4
Minor Peewee West 35
House League Playoff Finalists:
Minor Atom West 13
Minor Atom West 23
Peewee West B6
West A4
Bantam West C8
Minor Midget West 19
And, the Atom B4 team is off to the Alliance Championship in Kitchener this weekend as well!!! Good luck Hawks!!!
Minor Development:
Congratulations to the following regular season 1st place champions:
Novice 1
Novice 2A
Major Atom
Our Minor Midget team also finished 2nd and will be playing in the Tier 1 Alliance Championship!!!
And finally, the following 5 additional teams placed 3rd or 4th and are invited to play in the Tier 2 Alliance Championship:
Novice 3a
Minor Atom
Minor Peewee
Major Peewee
Major Midget
Congratulations again to all West London Hawks teams for an amazing season, and good luck to all the teams in their upcoming Championship runs!
Go Hawks Go!!