Apr 21, 2020 | Brady Parr | 1049 views
2020/21 Minor Development coaching application is now open!
West London Hockey would like wish all of our
Hawkey families the very best during this challenging time we are all facing together. As we are all aware, our most recent hockey season unfortunately ended abruptly due to the current global crisis however we would like to begin to put that behind us now and start to focus on the future ahead of us as I am sure we are all itching to get out of our homes and back to the rink!
The WLMHA Minor Development coaching application for the upcoming 2020/21 season is now open! If you or someone else you know are interested in volunteering to becoming an MD coach for the best hockey association in the city, please use the link below to access the online form and apply today! The MD coaching application is also available on the home page of the WLMHA site and will be open until May 24. If you have any questions at all, please fee free to reach out to Brady Parr at [email protected]