Nov 21, 2017 | Brady Parr | 4236 views
West London Hockey supports the SHOEBOX PROJECT once again!
West London Hockey Association is once again proud to support the Shoebox Project this holiday season. The Shoebox project is a not-for-profit initiative that collects small gifts and essentials that are packaged in shoe boxes and delivers them to homeless woman living in shelters. Last year our West London Hawkey families collected over
790 boxes which was absolutely amazing! Lets try and beat our own record this year!
Homelessness is a real issue right here is London. The London chapter will be delivering shoe boxes to My Sisters Place this holiday season. My Sisters Place provides emergency and transitional shelter and services to women who are homeless because they are fleeing an abusive situation, are afflicted with mental illness or are simply poor. A Shoebox gift is a powerful reminder for a woman that she has not been forgotten and that she remains a valued and respected member of her community. This is a great opportunity for the children and families of West London Hockey to “Give Back”. It is a great opportunity to teach our children how important a simple act of kindness is. This is a great opportunity to Pay it Forward.
Here's how it works for us:
We would like to invite and challenge each West London team to get involved and work together to put shoeboxes together for the Shoebox Project from November 17 to December 17. This can be a team/family event. Take pictures! We want to see them. The team that collects the most boxes will win a team event at Palasad!
For more information on the Shoebox Project please use the following link:
Let’s show London how West London Hockey supports their community!
For more information, you can contact Sara DiPonio at [email protected]
Thanks for your support!