For anyone interested in registering your child in the 2017/2018 Tyke Initiation Program, here is some valuable information.
this is for boys and girls born in 2013, 2012 and 2011 and no prior hockey experience is required
* players are evaluated and then put into the red or white division and then split into teams which
have 8-10 players
* ice times are twice a week from September until March including one weeknight, a wednesday or
thursday night around 5:30pmish, and a second ice time on Saturday mornings
* from September to December the focus in on development and then games are introduced after
that on Saturday mornings
* For the upcoming Tyke Initiation Program there are 3 warm-up ice times and there are 3 evaluation ice times.
* For the upcoming warm-up ice times, click here.
* The evaluation ice times will be on September 23, 24 & 30. Your child will be on the ice for 1 hour sometime between 8:30am - 12:30pm.
More information about the season and evaluations will be provided in a few weeks.