Apr 04, 2014 | YLong | 1332 views
Congratulations to our CHL teams!
West London would like to congratulate all of the CHL teams playing over the championship weekend of March 29th and 30th. All GLHA associations were well represented by the number of teams, level of play, enthusiasm and great sportsmanship of the players.
West London would like to acknowledge the success of our HL teams over this championship weekend. In total West London had 17 teams competing over the CHL championship weekend.
Minor novice W41
Minor atom W33
Minor atom W13
Atom WA4
Minor peewee W25
Minor Bantam W27
Bantam WA8
Novice WB2
Atom WC4
Peewee WB6
Minor bantam W17
Bantam WB8
Minor midget W29
Well done West teams on such a strong showing!
Special recognition to Atom WA4 who are "A" pool champions and will be playing in the Alliance Championships this weekend in Kitchener. Best of luck Hawks. Go Hawks Go!