May 12, 2021 | Brady Parr | 16024 views
Welcome our 2021/22 Executive Board
Last evening, we held our annual AGM and said goodbye to some long standing executive board members and passed the torch to several new members. Our sincerest thanks to those board members who contributed your time and effort over the years and weathered the storm during our unconventional season of 2020/21. Your commitment to our success does not go unnoticed!
It is our great pleasure to introduce our 2021/22 WLMHA Executive Board members and looking forward to our upcoming season!!
WLMHA 2021/22 Executive Board
Chris Latour
Past President / Director at Large
Mark Annett
Mike Rivard
V.P. Competitive
Kristie Roff
V.P. House League
Jason Higgins
House League Director
Sean Joiner
Novice Director
Shawn Phibbs
Ice Scheduler
Mark Flick
Tournament Committee Lead
Brady Parr, Chris Golem
Tournament Directors
Brady Parr
Communications Director
John MacDougall
Risk Director
Kendra Ramer
IP Director 1
Mike Anderson
IP Director 2
Bruce Hayward, Chris Golem
Equipment Directors
Mark Flick
Sponsorship Committee Lead
Jeff Collins
Hockey Development Director
Kendra Ramer, Mike Rivard
Health and Safety Directors