Updated Season Registration Fees Information, News (West London Minor Hockey)


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Sep 02, 2020 | Brady Parr | 11208 views
Updated Season Registration Fees Information
West London Hockey has now received direction from the GLHA surrounding updated registration fees for the first half of the 2020/21 season. Click the link below for a breakdown as to what these fees will consist of. The GLHA will provide further direction towards the end of the fall as to what the second half of our season will look like and what additional costs will be associated with that program. For those players that have already made payments for our season based upon the original pricing structure, we will hold the remainder of those funds in trust and apply them to the second half of the season upon receiving additional direction from the GLHA.


Our program will consist of Development Skills and Team scrimmages. Team Scrimmages will be internal scrimmages managed by each association. Teams are based on 18 skaters and 2 goalies for House League and MD. Mustangs consists of 15 skaters and 2 Goalies



Due to the restrictions currently on our region, we will not be offering tryouts for either MD or Mustangs. These fees have been reimbursed.  If/when we receive approval from Alliance, a tryout fee will be established prior to tryouts and parents will be notified of registration opening dates for this.



After registration closes and before October 24th 2020, a standard administration fee of $75 will charged on any refunds. No refunds will be processed after October 24th.

Registration will remain open until September 11, 2020.


Caravan for Kids
Dodge Caravan for Kids is the maojor sponsor of our Novice House League teams this season.
Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is the major sponsor of our Initiation Program Tim Bits teams this season.
We took the classic bowling experience, added a refined yet comfortable décor along with video screens, our fantastico wood oven menu and a sound system that would make AC/DC jealous. We’re the ultra-deluxe, full-on, rock and roll bowling alley that happens to have a swanky bar and great food.
ARTCAL Graphics
ARTCAL is a proud sponsor of the West London Hawks. We are a prominent, full service graphics house that includes digital printing, trade screen printing, vinyl graphics and installations. We would be able to provide your team with banners, team stickers, helmet stickers, custom graphics and much more! For more information, please contact: William Myers [email protected] 519-453-6010 x 226
McDonalds is the major sponsor of our Atom House League teams this season.