Ontario Hockey Federation Return To Hockey Framework, News (West London Minor Hockey)


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Aug 12, 2020 | Brady Parr | 9527 views
Ontario Hockey Federation Return To Hockey Framework
The GLHA is still working very close with our local health officials to create a feasible and safe return to hockey program for London and the upcoming 2020/21 season. The information provided below is the framework created by the Ontario Hockey Federation. Please stay tuned for an update announced from West London Hockey as to how this return to hockey will be executed for our association. 


Following the release of the OHF Return to Hockey Framework Stage 3A, the Ontario Hockey Federation and their Members have released Stages 3B-3E in accordance with the Ontario Government, Public Health Unit and Hockey Canada Safety Protocols that will allow for our participants to return to sport safely, when they are ready to do so.

The OHF’s Return to Hockey Framework Stage 3 is an incremental approach for participants to develop essential hockey skills. OHF Members and Minor Hockey Associations (MHA’s) will have different levels of preparedness and readiness which means the pace at which they move through the OHF Return to Hockey Framework will vary for Associations based on what capacity they can manage.

OHF Return to Hockey Framework
On Ice Personnel Policy 

Stage 3 provides for additional hockey opportunities beyond the individual and group training that were approved in Stage 1 and 2 of the OHF Return to Hockey. It provides participants the opportunity to register in Hockey Canada programming that will include game play with rules that focus on removing deliberate and prolonged contact.

Stage 3 will be based on the following philosophies:

• Flexibility on registering players for the participation in the 2020-2021 season and the cooperation between Associations and Members.

• Processes put in place for new participants to register as: o Participants and families become open to registering for hockey programming, and o More arenas become available for use.

• The opportunity for adjusted program offerings on a four-week cycle as the Government updates numbers for gathering and group participation.

• To allow for staggered opening or closure of programming based on Ontario’s regional approach to reopening with minimal disruption to programs operating.

• Individual and Group Training remains a focus in August and September with addition of participants.

• No tryouts for the formation of Teams. Members to determine approach for tiered structure based on category of participation last year.

• No affiliation or integration allowed between leagues.

• May only participate in one league/team within the OHF.

• The boundaries of the PHU will be a guideline for competition between teams.

As you will see within the OHF Return to Hockey, the OHF has indicated levels within Stage 3. From July 28 to August 31, the OHF will be in Stage 3A. In Stage 3A Member approved programming in geographic areas that are in Ontario Government Stage 3 programming is based on Stage 1 and 2 requirements for participants who were registered with the association for 2019-2020. Individual and group training Maximum of 25 participants on the ice, including instructors, or a lower number if determined by Ontario Government, local PHU, the facility or Member. Physical distancing is required for the purpose of individual and group training and if a facility has further restrictions all programming must comply.

A date has yet to be determined as to when the OHF will move to Stage 3B. A start date for Stage 3B will be communicated within the coming weeks. Following a two-week development phase for any new programs, Stage 3 Modified Programming will begin. Essential to the safety of participants, modified programming is Member Sanctioned hockey programs in compliance with the requirements of Stage 3 operated within the Minor Hockey Associations or the Member including game play, scrimmage in practice and team practice drills. After a break from physical sport, modified programming encourages a faster game where players focus on developing hockey skills while being able to physical distance on the ice.

Associations may begin to gather fees for programming offered in accordance with the OHF Return to Hockey Framework Stage 3A. The collection of fees must only be done for the purpose of Stage 3 programming.

In all instances the OHF Directors will make the final determination as to the active level within stage 3 of the OHF Return to Hockey Framework that a Member is eligible to progress to. This determination will be communicated by way of memo from the OHF to the Members and posted on the OHF website. The OHF will maintain an updated posting on its website of the OHF Stage that each Public Health Unit has progressed to. Associations will operate their programming in accordance with the framework of the Stage as well as the rules established by their particular Member, the Ontario Government, the local Public Health Unit and the facilities.
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