London Junior Mustangs White - Chair Person Opening, News (West London Minor Hockey)


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May 03, 2018 | Brady Parr | 5317 views
London Junior Mustangs White - Chair Person Opening
The London Junior Mustangs White Committee is looking for a qualified candidate to perform the duties of the Chairperson for the 2018-19 season. If you have the passion and commitment to lead one of the best minor hockey programs in the City of London, please review the role and expectations of the Chair position below. If you are interested or have questions about the Chair position please email Derek Drummond at [email protected]. The deadline for applicants will be midnight on Monday May 21st, 2018. 
Mike Branco – London Bandits President
Derek Drummond – West London President

The Chair

  • Shall preside at all meetings of the Members.
  • The Chairperson shall be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the London Junior Mustangs White program.
  • During the absence or the inability of the Chairperson, the Chair duties may be exercised by either of the Presidents of one of the supporting minor hockey associations (London Bandits or West London Hawks).
  • The Chairperson or their delegate will sit as a representative at the monthly meetings of the G.L.H.A.
  • The London Junior Mustangs White committee will be made up of the Chair, 3 delegates from the London Bandits and 3 delegates from the West London Hawks
  • The Junior Mustangs White Committee is a sub-committee of each GLHA Association. Bandits and West forming the White Committee.



  • The Junior Mustangs White Committee’s purpose is to manage the day-to-day operations of the Jr Mustangs program. The Committee is also responsible for Head Coach selection, approval of Coaching staff, Police Checks, and ensuring the training requirements are met. The Committee is also responsible for their respective team’s management which would include all team manuals, financial, travel, disciplinary, complaints or matters of concern.



  • The Junior Mustangs White Committee has the authority to decide on day-to-day operations. However, they would make recommendations to the Presidents of each Association on any long-term decisions and structure.



  • Equal representation from both Associations; three members from each Association. The Presidents of each Association will determine the Chair of the Committee which should be as neutral as possible.  Presidents of each Association will serve on the Committee in an ex officio manner and be present when required. Each Association will have three votes and the chair will only vote in the event of a tie.  Within the Committee there will be the following roles; Chair and Treasurer.


Conflict of Interest

  • Members having a conflict of interest in any matter under consideration by the Committee shall declare the conflict of interest at the beginning of the meeting and shall not discuss or vote on the matter.

Meeting arrangements

  • Meeting will be held on a monthly basis, quorum will be 50% of members plus one.  Agenda will be sent out at least two days prior to a meeting and minutes taken by the Chair.  Agenda and minutes will be distributed via email.



  • The Junior Mustangs White Committee reports to the two Association Presidents.



  • The Junior Mustangs White Committee Chair files a monthly report to the two Associations and to the GLHA Executive Board.  In addition, an annual report which shall among other things; a) summarize the activities and achievements of the previous year b) describe ongoing activities and issues and identify new priorities/concerns, and c) outline the Committee's primary projects for the upcoming year, including all anticipated budgetary needs.

Amendments & Review

  • Amendments to the Terms of Reference can only be made by the GLHA Executive Board.  The Terms of Reference will be reviewed on a annual basis.


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